Thursday, September 8, 2011

More about being 30. As expected.

How's the birthday week going you ask? I just asked myself this. I started thinking about it and then I remembered that half of the reason I decided to write this blog is so that I could have a place where I'm "forced" to work out my shit. So here goes. Gonna really analyze here. HA!

Found an exciting, new sense of renewal about my life. Just last week, actually. Changed my filter, changed my views - still trying to flush it all out, but hey, 90% is always a good return rate. Found it all through the strong words of friends and my everly optimistic about everything fiance.

Relationships around me moved and shook, boy they did. But they didn't topple and crash off the freakin' table and like my Coffee Bean just did right now. All over the floor, my shoes and the edge of my macbook, in front of everyone. The energy had to go somewhere, I guess. Now I have to tip more, but that's ok.

Also, scored a mostly free day off from work due to a technicality! Also, I'm excited about going to school! Something I thought would never happen. EVER. But this time it's different . . .

Also, just bought some sugar.

Tomorrow should muy mucho funs! I can feel it!


  1. this is so awesome babes! i love you so much and i think you are an incredibly brave woman. i love your openness and it has made me a stronger more beautiful person, just by knowing you. happy biRthday, momma

