Friday, July 27, 2012

How much is time really worth? #notablogaboutmoney

I sit here at a busy coffeehouse. An old man who seems to be a ucla professor asks me to watch his effects while he moves his car. I tell him i dont mind one bit. Among his belongings is a MacBook air. He is very friendly and absolutely insists that I may leave it if I have to leave and he takes too long. He walks away leaving the stunningly flashy laptop, clamshell open, atop a custom leather folio case. He leaves and insists again that I can leave because 'no one steals here and besides, every one here has their own computer'. I nod and smile while my mind is full of "!!!!". I really love old people. I especially love old educated persons. 

I am ready to leave. I think he's been gone 20 minutes. I vow to sit and people watch for ten more minutes. It's something I like to do and so why not? I've also considered myself to be of major amounts of patience like 90% of the time. But for some reason, I'm struggling with this new scenario. 

I over-think this whole thing. Of course. I wonder if I'm on a candid camera show and it's all a trick. That'd be lame. I'm not down for that, it's Friday, I'm tired and my hair is fugly today. I wonder if he will be so astounded by my kindness that he will exclaim, 'Young brown woman! I am astounded by your kindness! You are still here guarding my effects! You also look poor! Here's $50, I have so much more money at home from my 30 years of research work at ucla. Geez! I mean, I've been at the forefront of every breakthrough in the field of abnormal psychology for a minute now. I'm actually not sure what to do with all this cash so maybe you should have it, you absolute angel!'

I stay an extra 20 min. Sure I have things to do, and a dog waiting. But most of those things involve sitting on my ass and whatever is on the E! Or TruTV channel, so I wait and write on my iPod, continue to write, and try to eavesdrop on conversations around me. That's always fun! One thing that you haven't figured out about Carolynn — She is a nosy ass bitch!

Then I see what's happening here. This is a karma test. Just this week I was dealt the horrible news that my MacBook' drive is corrupted and to fix it will cost lots of money that I don't have. The chances of me recovering my data is also slim. I am here to either to choose to leave and be a part of the reason his laptop is stolen or stay and let all that good Apple karma flow to me at a time when I really need it. 

THEN ... He returns and guess what?!?!?!

He gave me a warm thank you and I told him it was no problem.

Monday, July 2, 2012

I just came home. Despite having a mini computer with my Incredible 2 Droid phone, and ample time for internetting (I take the bus in the mornings), I open my computer and find no less than 10 open internet pages for me to peruse, scan or read very carefully. A typical session at the mighty MacBook begins. This time, I want to inventory how much reading/bullshit I actually read on the internet almost daily. Why? Because it's fun . . .

Lykke Li sent out a note, just speaking to her fans - as an artist, how life is treating her. I'm giving it my full attention when I get home, cuz for some reason my Droid won't respect the alignment of the text in her email and it's coming through all cut off. I put a star on it, and mark it as unread. - Absolutely hilarious writing. But I tend to just scan it for 3 seconds for the celeb pics, most of which are very incriminating, especially since most of the pics are boring sightings of pseudo celebs going to the Farmer's market . . . Guilty pleasure, yes, of course. Visited daily, almost without fail. Just did the math, every year I spend a minimum of 18 minutes and 25 seconds on this site. Worth it.

Other - Today I read about a lot of downtown LA news, including Skid Row issues, lack of hotel rooms, and a doggy park. All while screaming out more (correct) answers than Lonny, while watching Jeopardy!

3-5 other scattered pages - They are lists of websites of lists of calendars of events of event listings. Mostly free events around LA for the summer. . . . Shakespeare in the park stuff, outdoor movie screenings, concerts in downtown LA. The reasons I live in the city.

LAist - I usually read this throughout the day. One of the best blogs about LA, I think. Well-rounded with news, culture and let's me know exactly what's going on. Also, more of the funny/stupid celebrity crap that I need.

Gmail - Kept pretty clean. Just Groupon and guestlists. Cuz that's what's up.

Facebook - You know what it is.

YouTube - Finally, and this one comes in spurts, I want to go on El Tubo to completely lose myself in music videos and the like. Currently watching Sia, Kina Grannis covers, old Katy Perry coffeehouse acoustic vids, Fun. covers, other covers, and more Sia.

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